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Your child is limitless

Let’s help them realize their full potential

Boost confidence and self-worth

Our philosophy for how to empower your child

When children struggle with academics or are unhappy with something about
themselves, their potential to thrive diminishes.

Let’s stop this from happening.

The pathway toward confidence and self-worth looks like this:


Five principles that guide empowerment:

  1. We aim to be perfectly imperfect: mistakes and shame don’t have to define us. When children bring shame out of hiding and into the light, mistakes become part of their growth story.
  2. Language is powerful: the way children speak to themselves influences what they believe about themselves. When they take ownership of this narrative and rewrite it for good, positive things happen.
  3. Fear is our friend: When children learn that life is happening FOR them, not to them, they are able to see fear as an ally for growth and change.
  4. Beliefs matter: What children feel determines how they act and show up in the world. Identifying disempowering beliefs and replacing them with empowering ones makes all the difference.
  5. We can rise up and have it all: the only thing limiting your child is not knowing how much power they hold and the options and possibilities available to them.

Take your child on a journey that transforms

Creating new thoughts, new habits, and new empowered selves

As parents we want nothing more than for our children to feel happy and live their best lives.

But knowing what to do when our child seems out of sorts, is playing small, or not fulfilling their full potential can be confusing. When this confusion leads to inaction, these traits can manifest in undesirable ways even into adulthood.

Right NOW is the time to support your child to live a full life without hedging and holding back their greatness. Here’s what that journey looks like:

From To
From - To Holding on to what is blocking them from being happy Achieving their goals and growing mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
From - To Looking for their self-worth outside of themselves (ex. through others’ opinions, the clothes they wear, the car they drive) Realizing they are responsible for creating their own happiness.
From - To Being stressed and overwhelmed Being mindful and self-aware in the present moment, plus proven, ondemand tools to use whenever they need them.
From - To Hiding and avoiding Asking for help, advocating for themselves in the classroom, in relationships, and at their jobs so they can show up better, feel more confident and be successful
From - To Focusing on problems and what’s not working Shifting perspective and seeing possibilities and options that forge new paths.
From - To Disempowering thoughts Knowing they are WHOLE, LOVABLE, ENOUGH, right here and right now

Book a call with Sara to explore bringing this
life-changing workshop FOR your students.

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Coaching, tutoring, and training options

Services to serve you and your child

Coaching Programs

Rise UP

1:1 coaching utilizing our philosophy for increased confidence and self-worth that helps your child meet their future self.

Level UP

Group Coaching with likeminded peers to help your child collaboratively discover what they want and to embrace who they are and who they are becoming.

Step UP

Workshops that teach the science behind what's blocking your child from reaching their full potential and impart tools to take action and propel them forward to achieve their goals and desires.

Contact me to take the next step with coaching

Dyslexia Tutoring

Expert assistance for students with language-based learning disabilities, such as with dyslexia, auditory processing difficulties, or reading and spelling challenges.

Utilizing the Barton Reading and Spelling System, Sara provides individualized and tailored sessions to meet the unique needs of each student. It is a priority for Sara that her students are first and foremost increasing their self-confidence, and are able to recognize that they are gifted and talented. Sara includes social/emotional coaching while simultaneously implementing an evidence-based reading and spelling solution.

Barton Certificate
Video Chat Tutoring
Video Chat Tutoring

Home Tutoring
Home Tutoring

Public Space Tutoring
Public Space Tutoring

Contact me for tutoring services


Hi, I’m Sara.

Like you, I’m invested in the long-term success of today’s youth.

As a learning specialist, youth mindset coach, and parent, I know firsthand how the pressures of school, peer relationships, family, and finances can add up for our kids, impacting their daily lives.

And as a mom of teenagers, I notice the unique challenges our kids are facing–challenges we didn’t have at their age–and have become a passionate advocate for their generation.

As an instructor and parent, I’ve devoted my time and energy to finding the best tools and techniques to equip our kids to thrive amidst today’s pressures and be the truest versions of themselves.

More about me

What others are saying

"Ms. Cuen taught me that stepping out of my comfort zone is challenging, but can have life-changing results. In order to accomplish big things in life, fear can't be in the way of the first step toward greatness."

Elijah, Student

What others are saying

"The fear workshop taught me to step out of my comfort zone because it’s not good for me to stay cooped up in that space when I could be doing things that I never thought I could do before such as hanging out with new friends, raising my hand to answer questions in class and getting the right answer and trying roller coaster rides that I would usually be too scared to go on."

Jacob, Student

What others are saying

"Wow! Sara’s message in her Fear’s Got Nothing on You workshop was so meaningful and impressive. She simplified and presented a step by step understanding of the science and purpose of fear in the human brain. Which transitioned seamlessly into encouraging the listener to embrace fear and use it to grow a deeper understanding of oneself. She empowers the child to use moments of fear to lean into life opportunities. The program was engaging and inspiring. Even though the message was geared to young teens, it truly is a tool for people of all ages. Thank you Sara."

Tawn, Parent

What others are saying

“I absolutely recommend Sara’s work on fear! I am an adult who has done TONS of personal development work and I still learned new and completely eye opening things in her presentation. I think this should be taught in all schools. I wish I had this information growing up, but I’m grateful I have it now. Thank you Sara for your passion, enthusiasm and insight! You’re the best.”

Meghan, Coaching Client

Call Now For A Free Initial Consultation

(408) 591-5589

Contact Us

(408) 591-5589


Hours of Operation
Monday — Friday, 8:00 a.m. — 6:00 p.m.
After-Hours & Weekends by Appointment Only

890 South Monroe St. San Jose CA 95128

Service Area
San Jose, California, and the Surrounding Area